Mubarak murder trial resumes in Egypt

An Egyptian soldier stands guard outside courts at the Police Academy set up for the Mubarak trial in this file picture.
An Egyptian soldier stands guard outside courts at the Police Academy set up for the Mubarak trial in this file picture.
  • NEW: Mubarak supporter: Recent bloodshed proves Mubarak "has nothing to do with the killing"
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  • Mubarak is back in court on a gurney, accused of ordering the killing of protesters
  • An appeals court rejects a motion to disqualify Judge Ahmed Refaat

Cairo (CNN) -- After a months-long break, the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resumed Wednesday after an appeals court dismissed a motion to disqualify the presiding judge.

The ailing Mubarak entered a Cairo court on a gurney, wearing a white defendant's jumpsuit. He is charged with ordering the killing of protesters to quash the uprising that ultimately ended his 30-year rule in February. In addition, he faces corruption charges. Mubarak has pleaded not guilty.

Former Egyptian Interior Minister Habib el-Adly, six of his aides and two of Mubarak's sons are also on trial on a variety of charges.

Judge Ahmed Refaat returned as head of the court Wednesday.

Lawyers representing families of dead or injured protesters had petitioned a higher court demanding a new panel of judges.

"He did not allow many of them into the court and did not give them enough time to ask their questions," attorney Khaled Abu Bakr said, referring to Refaat.

In their motion, the lawyers also objected to how some high-profile witnesses testified in secrecy.

The appeals court rejected the motion to disqualify Refaat and fined the lawyers who filed the motion $ 1,000.

On Wednesday, attorneys requested access to the testimony of Gen. Sami Anan, deputy head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Bakr said.

He said lawyers also requested access to footage from surveillance cameras outside the Egyptian Museum -- which are under the authority of Egyptian intelligence -- due to their proximity to Cairo's Tahrir Square, the epicenter of this year's protests and revolt.

Interior Ministry spokesman laa Mahmoud said 5,000 police officers were in charge of securing the trial Wednesday. In addition, 14 ambulances and a field clinic were set up outside the court in case clashes erupted between pro- and anti-Mubarak residents, Health Ministry spokesman Hisham Shiha said.

Several dozen Mubarak supporters stood outside the court, waving posters of Mubarak and chanting, "Not guilty, not guilty!"

Karim Hussein, administrator of a pro-Mubarak Facebook page, noted recent clashes have erupted without Mubarak in power.

They are "proof Mubarak has nothing to do with killing. He has left the picture, and the thuggery, killing and violence remains the same," Hussein said.

But salesman Mohamed Imam holds Mubarak responsible for deaths of Egyptians during the uprising.

"The man killed more than 800 in a matter of days, and could have stopped it after it got out of control. He didn't. He must face execution," Imam said.

About 840 people died and more than 6,000 were wounded in the 18 days of uprising that toppled Mubarak, according to Amnesty International.

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Murder in the First

Based on the true story that made history, a convict is put on trial for murdering a fellow inmate and the young, inexperienced lawyer assigned to him bases his defense on the assertion that inhumane treatment at Alcatraz was responsible for the murder. Christian Slater ("Interview with the Vampire," "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves"), Kevin Bacon ("The River Wild," "A Few Good Men") and Gary Oldman ("JFK," "Bram Stoker"s Dracula") star in this "sobering and thought provoking" film (The Hollywood Reporter). MPAA Rating: R Ω 1995 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved

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