Murder suspect's blood sugar blamed

Published: Oct. 17, 2012 at 3:08 PM

KISSIMMEE, Fla., Oct. 17 (UPI) -- A Florida diabetic accused of a double murder says high blood sugar levels prevented him from understanding what he was doing, his lawyer said.

Kevin Satterfield, 51, of Kissimmee is accused of two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder in a shooting rampage April 30 that killed his wife Vicki, 53, his future son-in-law Christian Martinez, 27, and injured his pregnant daughter Heather Satterfield, 21, and her unborn child, who was saved by emergency Caesarean section.

The trial of Satterfield, a morbidly obese diabetic, was delayed until Thursday to await the arrival of a key medical witness called to testify on the effects of high blood sugar in a person with diabetes, the Orlando Sentinel said Wednesday.

Assistant public defender Catherine Chien, Satterfield's lawyer, said in court Tuesday she was not seeking to exonerate her client.

"At no time do we suggest this [crime] was justified," she said, but noted Satterfield had a blood-glucose level at the time of his arrest of 514, five times higher than that of a normal person, adding high- and low-blood glucose levels are known to have an effect on a diabetic's behavior.

Satterfield left Florida after the incident and was arrested in Louisiana, the newspaper said.

Since his incarceration in the Osceola County Jail, he has undergone surgery to remove large amounts of flesh destroyed by gangrene, court documents said.

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