Homicide detectives investigate suspicious death in Chollas Creek

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - Homicide detectives were investigating a suspicious death at a Chollas Creek apartment complex Tuesday evening.

According to police, a resident in a second-story apartment unit at 52nd Street and University Avenue returned home at around 7pm Tuesday, after being away for three days, to find the deceased body of a Hispanic woman lying on his living room floor. The woman is believed to be approximately 25 years old, and had been dating the resident's adult son.

Police say the resident had left his apartment on Saturday afternoon, but had given his son permission to use his residence in his absence, along with the son's girlfriend and a male friend.

Investigators would not reveal where the woman's body had any visible signs of trauma, but did say -- based on the body's condition -- she had been dead for at least one day.

Police are now searching for the resident's son and his friend to interview. The identity of the woman has not yet been released.

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