Manslaughter trial to wrap for NY doc in hit-run

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - Jurors are expected to begin deliberating this week in the murder trial of a suburban Buffalo doctor who says he didn't know he'd hit an 18-year-old girl with his car as he drove home from his country club one night last summer.

Testimony wrapped up last week in the 16-day trial in Erie County Court and the judge scheduled closing arguments for Tuesday.

James Corasanti is accused of hitting and killing Alexandria Rice as she skateboarded home from work in the suburb of Amherst. Prosecutors say he'd been drinking, speeding and texting at the time.

Along with vehicular murder and murder, the 56-year-old doctor is charged with leaving the scene of a fatal accident without reporting it and evidence tampering.

He faces up to 23 years in prison if convicted.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Shocking Costa Concordia audio ; Captain told: 'Get back on board' - BBC World News - January 17

Italian rescuers have found five more bodies inside the stricken cruise ship Concordia, raising the confirmed death toll to 11. Officials said four men and a woman were found on the ship, which capsized after it hit rocks on Friday. Judges are questioning the ship's captain, who has been blamed for steering the vessel on to the rocks. Capt Francesco Schettino has been detained on suspicion of murder, but denies any wrongdoing. He has not yet been formally charged, but prosecutors on Tuesday asked judges to continue his detention. Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera has posted what it says is a recording of a radio conversation on the day of the Costa Concordia disaster between Francesco Schettino, captain of the stricken ship, and Gregorio de Falco of the Italian coastguard in Livorno. It reveals how Mr De Falco repeatedly asked Capt Schettino to return to the ship. BBC © 2012

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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