Pussy Riot slogan found at murder scene

  • NEW: Lawyers for Pussy Riot condemn the murders, say the band backed peaceful protest
  • Investigators: The words "Free Pussy Riot" are scrawled on a wall above two murder victims
  • The bodies are those of a 76-year-old woman and her daughter, investigators say
  • Three members of the punk band Pussy Riot were sentenced to prison terms this month

Moscow (CNN) -- Police in Russia are investigating the murder of two women found under a slogan backing the female punk rock band Pussy Riot, apparently written in the victims' blood, officials said Thursday.

The words "Free Pussy Riot" were scrawled in English on the apartment wall above the bodies of a 76-year-old woman and her 38-year-old daughter, investigators in Russia's Republic of Tatarstan said in a statement.

The two women, who shared a home, are thought to have died of numerous stab wounds between August 24 and 26 in the city of Kazan, the Tatarstan investigative committee said.

Their bodies were found Wednesday.

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Star support for Russian punk band

An investigation has been launched to uncover the circumstances of the crime, as well as those responsible and their motive, the statement said.

The murder inquiry comes two weeks after a court in Moscow Read More @ Source

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