Homicide detectives say driver who ran over man was fleeing a beating

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The police investigation into the hit-and-run death of a man run over as he was leaving the Jacksonville Landing two weeks ago has led to a murder arrest -- but not of the driver of the vehicle.

Twenty-two-year-old Taylor Evans died after being run over during an altercation among people leaving Maverick's Rock N' Honky Tonk at the Jacksonville Landing about 2:15 a.m. on Aug. 14.  Investigators say that during the fight, Greg Johnson, 26, came between Evans and the driver of the vehicle -- who has not been named.  Johnson was punching the driver through the open window of his pickup.

Police say the driver was attempting to drive away, but went in reverse first before pulling forward.  Evans, who had jumped on the hood of the pickup, fell off, and when the vehicle went forward, he was run over by the left front wheel.

Greg Johnson Evans died four days later.

Johnson (right) was arrested Thursday and charged with felony murder.

DOCUMENT: Greg Johnson arrest report

The pickup truck was stopped that night a couple blocks away from the scene of the altercation. The driver his  passenger were questioned but never charged.

"The individual in the truck suffered severe injuries that are going to require surgery," Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Lt. Rob Schoonover said. "We do not believe that he knew that individual was in front of the truck."

Police said they are still trying to identify and question others who were at the scene, including a man who was beating the passenger in the pickup while Johnson was beating the driver.

"Everyone was intoxicated. Everyone was drinking," Schoonover said. "Alcohol played a major part in this."

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