Morton teen faces homicide charges

Daughlton Calvin watched his two methadone customers drink the drug that killed them, according to drug-induced homicide charges filed against him in court Thursday.

Calvin, 18, of Morton knew the dose of prescription pain medicine he gave Travis Whiteman was strong and warned him to drink only half of it when they met May 31.

Whiteman, 22, downed it all, then stepped from the car where they'd made their deal near his Manito-area home. He soon died.

Cody Schillinger, 19, of Morton had driven Calvin to meet Whiteman. Afterward, the two drove to another location unspecified in a prosecutor's report supporting the Class X charges filed against Calvin.

When they arrived, Calvin gave Schillinger a second liquid dose of methadone, commonly dispensed in that form by licensed outlets to treat heroin addicts' withdrawal symptoms.

It was two-thirds the amount he'd given Whiteman. Schillinger, too, drank it all. He was pronounced dead the next day.

Police say Calvin also was hospitalized in that time frame for a methadone overdose.

He recovered, was arrested Wednesday and charged Thursday with two counts of drug-induced homicide, punishable by up to 30 years in prison, and two charges of delivering a controlled substance.

He plans to hire an attorney, he told Tazewell County Circuit Judge Richard McCoy in his bonding-court hearing.

No one, he said, is going to "pin this (expletive) on me."

"I know this doesn't look like a courtroom," McCoy replied, "but it is a courtroom. Watch your language."

McCoy set Calvin's bond at $ 150,000 and his preliminary hearing on the charges for July 12.

The prosecutor's report, or affidavit, cited evidence collected by Pekin and Morton police investigators indicating that Calvin had supplied at least Whiteman with methadone "on prior occasions."

Calvin admitted as much after his arrest, the affidavit stated. He said the 30-milliliter dose he gave Whiteman on May 31 was "repayment" for a watered-down dose he'd passed on to his customer.

Methadone, either by itself or in combination with other drugs, has been found as the cause of death of six people in Tazewell County this year. That number is expected to rise to nine with the deaths of Whiteman, Schillinger and a Pekin man who died in April, once their coroner's inquests take place. Calvin is charged only in the deaths of Schillinger and Whiteman.

No other drug has accounted for a fatal overdose in the county this year.

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