Slain remembered, investigators honored at homicide victims' memorial

WHITTIER - Hundreds of people drawn together by the violent loss of a loved one gathered Sunday to support one another, to continue their calls for justice and to honor the officials who secured justice for murder victims and their families.

And although most people at the 28th annual Justice for Homicide Victims Memorial at Rose Hills Memorial Park and Mortuaries are no strangers to tragedy, Sunday's event was not about victimization; it was about strength.

In addition to reflecting on the progress made on victims' rights in recent years, Justice for Homicide Victims also took time to recognize deputy district attorneys and detectives who arrested, prosecuted and convicted killers in two recent San Gabriel Valley cases.

"I started a group you pray every day that no one will be eligible to join," said Marcella Leach, the executive director of Justice for Homicide Victims. "But together, we have made a lot of progress. We have changed a lot of laws."

Leach is the mother of Marsy Nicholas, whose 1983 murder in Point Dume, and the activism of her family, was the inspiration for Marsy's Law, an amendment to the California Constitution passed by the voters in 2008 that's also known as the victim's bill of rights.

Mike Reynolds, author of California's "three strikes law," spoke about the need to continue fighting for justice and treating murder victims' families with dignity and respect.

Homicide Victims Memorial Foundation President

Jane Bouffard described the improvements she's seen over the past two decades.

"This is my 17th memorial," she said. "A lot's changed in 17 years. Back then, we were passionate the victims have rights. Now, we're passionate that victims know they have rights."

But the group shows no signs of slowing its efforts.

In the coming months, Justice for Homicide Victims will shift its attention to unsolved homicides, JHV Vice President Bill Bouffard said.

To that end, it is joining with other victims' groups, as well as the San Gabriel Valley Newspaper Group, which includes this newspaper, to bring attention to unsolved murder cases.

Frank C. Girardot, the newspaper group's senior metro editor, discussed the project at the memorial and received an award from JHV.

Bouffard said victims' rights need protecting to prevent them from being weakened or removed.

But JHV officials said the family members of homicide victims have strong allies, such as the ones who were honored at Sunday's gathering.

Assemblyman Charles Calderon, D-Industry, Assemblywoman Norma Torres, D-Chino and Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina also issued certificates to the detectives and prosecutors.

Deputy District Attorney Stacy Okun-Wiese, along with Pomona police detectives Jennifer Turpin and Dan Kono, now retired, were recognized for their work in arresting and convicting Joseph Gary Orta in the February 2008 murder of 22-year-old Eileen Ponce-Orta of Covina.

The young mother was found slain inside her own van, which was abandoned in front of Pomona Superior Court. Joseph Gary Orta, her husband's cousin, was sentenced last year to 56 years to life in prison for the killing.

Ponce-Orta's mother, Tracy Ponce, is now raising the victim's 6-year-old daughter, Alina Star Ponce.

"Part of me died when my daughter died, but we have to move on," she said. "We have to keep going for Alina."

She thanked Okun-Wiese, Turpin and Kono for their efforts in securing justice for her family.

"This killer wouldn't be serving this time if it wasn't for the great work done by the detectives," Tracy Ponce said. "I'm thankful to all of them. They showed us that they have compassion for the families."

In another case, Okun-Wiese was again honored, along with her partner, Pak Kouch, and sheriff's Sgt. Sandra Nava and Detective Don Walls were honored for their work in the conviction of Manling Williams, who murdered her husband, 27-year-old Neal Williams, and their sons Ian, 3, and Devon, 7, in their Rowland Heights home in 2007. A judge sentenced Manling Williams to death in January.

"I wouldn't have been able to get through this without my team of detectives (and prosecutors)," said Jan Williams, the mother of Neal Williams and grandmother of Devon and Ian.

"The detectives and district attorneys were compassionate. They always took my phone calls, even if they couldn't answer all my questions. They were always there to look me in the eye and say, `Don't worry. Everything's going to be OK."'

Nava became emotional as she discussed the impact the case has had on her personally.

"I know a lot of time you don't think it affects the detectives," Nava said as her eyes welled with tears. "We try to hide it ... it does."

Retired Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Latin offered words of encouragement for families still waiting for justice in the slayings of their loved ones.

When he was a prosecutor, he and his partner Eleanor Hunter prosecuted and convicted Symbionese Liberation Army members in 2003 for the 1975 shotgun murder of Myrna Opsahl in Carmichael.

It was only after teaming with Justice for Homicide Victims, which launched a massive public awareness campaign about the case, that the killers were ultimately brought to justice.

"To those of you here with unsolved cases, I'm here to give you hope that that may happen," Latin said. "Keep pressing on. Never give up."

Hundreds of posters featuring the faces of homicide victims and the dates they were killed lined the lawn at Rose Hills.

Many family members said they found it extremely helpful to join support organizations and meet with others who have experienced similar situations.

The fellowship provides "a reality check" and "an emotion check," Ponce said, and makes dealing with tragedy less lonely.

"Alina meets other kids who have lost parents," she said.

Okun-Wiese and the detectives joined survivors of murder victims for a symbolic release of doves during the ceremony. Guests were then invited to recite the names of the murdered family members and light a candle in their honor in front of the permanent memorial to homicide victims which sits just inside of Gate 19 at the cemetery.

The event was held to coincide with the start of National Crime Victims' Rights Week.

626-962-8811, ext. 2109

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