Homicide investigation in North Tampa

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Tampa, Fla. - Hillsborough County detectives are trying to obtain a search warrant to get inside the apartment where the homicide happened Monday night.

Deputies say around 10:00, four people were inside an apartment at 14606 North 42 Street in Tampa, when there was a knock at the door. When the victim opened the door, two men confronted him.

Deputies say there was a struggle, and then the victim was pistol whipped and shots were fired.

The two men ran from the apartment and the victim was taken to Florida Hospital where he died.

Police are looking for two black men. One about 6'1, 160 pounds wearing all black clothing and armed with a gun. The second about 5'10, 160 pounds, clean shaven wearing a black shirt with a white undershirt.

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Bloody Crime Scene - Clean Up

Suicide, homicide, overdose, mass murder... ever wonder who cleans up the remains after the police leave? It's a gruesome, gorey job, but she's well paid to do it.

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