Here's a sampling of reaction to a robbery and shooting that took the life of a convenience store worker in Lake City Friday afternoon.

Sandy Tice, executive director of Chances for Children, across the street from where the shooting occurred:

"A man got up this morning to do an honest day's work and build up his business and someone just took his life. It's cruel. It just makes you think of things that can happen so quickly."

Thomas Benson, manager of the Advance Auto Parts and Battery store, in the building next to the convenience store where the shooting occurred, said he didn't know about the robbery until he was told about it by customers.

"I heard one shot, one car speed away and one black male run away," he said. "I just thought it was a scuffle between those two individuals and that it had nothing to do with the store itself."

Even though the robbery occurred within close proximity of the auto parts store and the shooter had not been apprehended, Benson said the auto parts store did not go into a lock down mode.

Much more to come in Sunday's Lake City Reporter.

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AZ - Born Alone, Die Alone

Hidden bonus track that appears after Mo Money, Mo Murder from the classic 1995 debut Doe or Die.

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