Bail refused for murder accused

A murder victim was battered to death over an alleged comment about the physique of one of three men invited into his flat, the High Court has heard.

Andrew Lorimer was beaten, kicked and attacked with a hammer during the fatal assault in Lurgan, County Armagh.

The 43-year-old's blood-covered body was discovered at the Portlec Place flat on 5 February.

Details were disclosed as bail was refused to James Jordan, 18.

He faces a murder charge along with two co-accused, aged 21 and 20.


A prosecution barrister revealed that two days before the victim was found a 999 call was made from a phone box stating: "He's beat to f***, get here now."

The caller hung up without providing any more details, she said.

Despite a trawl of the area, it was only after a second call to the ambulance service that the body was located.

All three accused later went to police to give accounts of what allegedly happened.

The court heard claims that they accepted an invitation into Mr Lorimer's flat.

It was alleged that pornography was on the television and that the victim remarked that one of the three had "a nice ass".

He was then attacked, with various accounts given of him being elbowed in the face, kicked and beaten around the legs with a hammer.

Conor Lunny, defending, said Jordan accepted being at the scene but claimed not to have inflicted any blows and that his actions afterwards were due to being in shock and fear.

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Documentary: The murders of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom

The January 2007 carjacking, torture, rape and slayings of Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23, have left an impact on the lives of the victims' families. But these crimes also have changed the Knoxville community. People have become more vigilant about their safety, more wary of unfamiliar places and more protective of their families. The slayings of Christian and Newsom represent the typical "not in my town" crime. As a result, Knoxvillians have rallied together to show support for the families and, in that way, heal themselves. Video produced by: Erin Chapin, Talid Magdy, Jigsha Desai, Lauren Spuhler The online team at has produced a video documentary exploring the impact on our community. Also, read the ongoing coverage on the murders and ensuing trials at

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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