Judge Sets $2M Bonds For Dublin Homicide Suspects

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COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Two of the three Dublin homicide suspects are arraigned on felony charges Friday morning.

Jeffrey M. Collins and Austin Mackenzie Cusey were arraigned in Franklin County municipal court Friday morning.

Collins and Cusey only were arraigned on charges related to the Dublin Sunoco robbery and fatal shooting of night clerk Mohamed S. Hassan.

PHOTO TIMELINE: Click here to look through a photo timeline of events.

Collins, 22, and Cusey, 18, each are charged with one count of aggravated robbery and one count of aggravated murder.

Prosecuting attorney Fred Bills described what happened Monday, Feb. 13, when the Sunoco, 201 W. Bridge St., was robbed at gunpoint and 46-year-old Hassan was murdered.

Hassan was emptying the trash when Collins, Cusey and 22-year-old Eddie J. Murphy robbed him.

Dublin police has said Hassan was fatally shot sometime during the robbery. A female co-worker found Hassan's body inside the station the next morning.

Bills said Cusey admitted to the Sunoco armed robbery and Hassan's death.

Bills said Murphy admitted he shot Hassan during the armed robbery on Collins' orders.

Judge Harland H. Hale set Collins' and Cusey's bonds at $ 2 million cash or surety.

Hale also said that if either of the two defendants were to post bond, they are to be held under house arrest.

Collins and Cusey's preliminary hearings are scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Friday, March 2.

Murphy was not in court Friday morning. NBC4 hasn't confirmed his arraignment date.

Law enforcement has said the Dublin homicide also is connected to the robbery of the Max & Erma's at 411 Metro Place North on Feb. 2.

Collins is also charged in connection with the break-in at the Powder Room shooting range on state Route 750 in Powell on Feb. 8. Collins wasn't arraigned on those charges Friday.

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