Homicide investigation continues in Rotorua

Rotorua Police are continuing their homicide investigation in Rotorua today after the body of a man in his 60s was discovered in Kuirau Park in the early hours of yesterday morning.

The Bay of Plenty Police Field Crime Manager, Detective Inspector Mark Loper, says the focus of the investigation today will continue to be on the search of the Kuirau Park area, speaking to witnesses and canvassing the residential and business streets around the park.

A post mortem is being undertaken in Auckland this morning. Detective Inspector Loper says Police hope to confirm the victim's identity later today and will then contact next of kin. The victim's name will not be released until that process is complete.

Detective Inspector Loper says a large part of Kuirau Park was re-opened to the public late yesterday afternoon, however, cordons remain in place around the central area of the park. Road blocks remain on the main access roads through Kuirau Park, however, it is expected that these will be removed later this morning.

"The Police Specialist Search Group from Auckland re-commenced their search of the cordoned area at 7am this morning, after finishing at approximately 7pm last night. Search and Rescue Volunteers are also continuing a separate search in other areas of the park," says Detective Inspector Loper.

"The purpose of both these phases is to locate, preserve and retrieve any items that may be relevant to the investigation."

Detective Inspector Loper says the Police Dive Squad have also arrived in Rotorua from Wellington, and will explore the possibility of searching two geothermal lakes in the Kuirau Park area.

"It's critical that we locate every piece of possible evidence and it's important that we search as much of the Kuirau Park area that is safely possible.

"Obviously there are safety restrictions around how much work can be done in and around those geothermal areas, but we are working with local experts to search as much as we can."

Detective Inspector Loper says the Police investigation team has received some good information from members of the public, but is appealing to anyone with further information to come forward.

"No matter how small or irrelevant you might think it is, we need to hear from you."

Contact Rotorua Police on 07 348 0099. People can also provide information anonymously via the independent Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111.
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