Abbotsford's first manslaughter victim is identified

Abbotsford's first manslaughter victim of 2012 has been identified as 21-year-old Ryan Saint-Ange.

The young man's body was discovered by a friend at his rental home in the 27700 block of 56th Avenue near the Aldergrove border near midnight on Saturday.

It appears that Saint-Ange met with foul play and the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team is investigating along with the Abbotsford Police, said IHIT spokesperson Sgt. Jennifer Pound.

The victim was living in the home with a number of other people, but no one else was at the residence when Saint-Ange was discovered.

An autopsy has been scheduled this week to confirm the cause of death, and police are releasing no details about how it occurred or why it is suspicious.

The young man had lived in the Abbotsford area for about two years, said APD Const. Ian MacDonald on Saturday.

APD has attended the home in the past, but has not been there on a frequent basis, said MacDonald.

Facebook tributes from friends and family in memory of Saint-Ange, who went by the nickname Black Ryan on the social networking site, are pouring in.

The posts recall a young man described as good-natured and fun loving.

"We have so many memories that go way back and the good times will never

be forgotten," wrote Bobby Rajwan.

"Most of all the kind, big-hearted person you were will never be forgotten. I miss you."

Saint-Ange had the words Psalm 23 tattooed on his neck, and friend Danny Ills posted the scripture on Facebook in his memory.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. RIP bro."

Saint-Ange had a conviction for trafficking drugs from July 2009 and had been sentenced to a 10-month conditional sentence.

However, investigators have not said they believe the crime is gang-related.

Friends are angrily disputing on-online allegations that Saint-Ange was a "gangster", saying the young man was working to turn his life around.

Saint-Ange is the first manslaughter victim in Abbotsford in more than a year.

In 2011, Abbotsford did not record a single manslaughter, ridding itself of the moniker Canada's Murder Capital, the result of a series of high profile gang killings in the last couple of years.

© Copyright (c) Abbotsford Times

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TNA 10 Man Elimination match - Turning Point 2008 1/2

Eric Young vs Consequences Creed vs Homicide vs Jay Lethal vs Petey Williams vs Sonjay Dutt vs Tanahashi vs Jimmy Rave vs Volador vs Doug Williams in Turning Point 2008, as the opening X Division match. Long time since I uploaded a TNA match. I'll be uploading the second part ASAP. And maybe MCMG vs Beer Money from the same event too. TNA © All Rights Reserved...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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