Murder accused collapses in dock

A terminally-ill man arrested for murder has collapsed in the dock of Adelaide Magistrates Court.

Antonio Spinotti, 57, of Marleston is jointly charged with murdering Brandt Stuart Kay, 43, whose body was found in a public toilet at Glenelg last December.

Spinotti's lawyer told the media his client had been a Crown witness.

Spinotti, who has hepatitis C and HIV, collapsed in the dock and an ambulance was called.

The man's lawyer, John Mattner, said his client needed to take up to 16 pills per day and had not been given his medication since he was arrested on Wednesday.

"Mr Spinotti is in a serious condition for medical reasons, he's tested positive for a number of issues such as hepatitis C and HIV and is currently on methadone," he said.

"He has not has his medication for some time.

"The authorities have a duty of care to look after people in custody. On this occasion, given the collapse, it's of serious concern."


The lawyer said there would be a bail application made soon.

"We are still yet to speak to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to ascertain the nature of the charges," he said outside the court.

"From what we have at the moment, it flies in the face of the information we have in respect to [the other accused].

"[Mr Spinotti] was a Crown witness. Mr Spinotti has been our client for some time and now that he's been charged with this murder it has taken us by surprise."

Mr Mattner said his client maintained he was innocent.

"He is contesting the allegations. He has instructed us that he is not guilty of the charge and if need be we will take it through the Supreme Court and decide it by trial," he said.

Mr Mattner said he would seek to have Spinotti released on home detention bail ahead of the next hearing, which has been set down for October.

"He does currently have housing, he is a carer for his partner ... at this stage we will have to negotiate with the DPP to allow or consider release on home detention bail," he said.

"I do not believe that he will obtain the appropriate medication that he needs whilst in custody. Unfortunately the prison system is not cut out to look after a gentleman that has these conditions."

Another man, 39, pleaded not guilty to murdering Mr Kay when he faced court last month.

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