Man charged with homicide after death of woman in Emery County

Prosecutors in Emery County charged a 33-year-old man on Monday in connection with a woman who died of a gunshot wound.

Randy John Behling, of Ferron, was charged in 7th District Court with homicide, a second-degree felony; four counts of reckless endangerment, class A misdemeanors; and carrying a dangerous weapon under the influence of alcohol, a class B misdemeanor.

The woman, Alisa Weston, died at Behling's home on July 28. A preliminary hearing is set for Oct. 16. No details of how Weston died or what she was doing at Behling's home were provided in the court documents.

Bail is set at $ 10,000, but if Behling is put into an inhouse treatment program for 60 days he may be released to the program without posting bail. If he doesn't complete the program, he will be required to post bail, according to court documents. Behling will hire his own attorney, documents state.

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