Lipstick Homicide opens for Green Day

Lipstick Homicide (Bambi Guthrie)

Kate Kane didn't get a lot of rest last weekend. She isn't sure she wasn't asleep the whole time.

Kane, 23, and fellow Lipstick Homicide bandmates Rachel Feldmann, 22, and Luke Ferguson, 24, opened Saturday evening for Green Day at an intimate show for 1,000 fans at Irving Plaza in New York City.

"I still haven't totally accepted that it happened," Kane says. "I'm just waiting to wake up."

The Coralville-based band — Kane on backup vocals and guitar, Feldmann on lead vocals and bass and Ferguson on drums —learned of the opportunity on Sept. 12, just three days before they needed to be in New York City to play for the iconic pop punk band.

They got the call — or more accurately, the email— from a mutual friend of the two bands, Larry Livermore.

Livermore, a longtime friend of Green Day dating back to the mid-80s when drummer Tre Cool played in his band the Lookouts, included Lipstick Homicide on a 16-track compilation CD released in May called "The Thing that Ate Larry Livermore."

The compilation caught the ear of Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong who tweeted last week, "Check out this compilation. Lipstick homicide kicks booty! All the bands do."

Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong taking pictures of Lipstick Homicide. (Spencer Kaufman, Loudwire)

So when Green Day was suddenly looking for an opening act for their NYC show, Livermore thought of Lipstick Homicide.

Kane wasn't sure what to think at first.

"I wasn't totally sure if it was for real. Or if (Livermore) had talked to Green Day about it. I ended up talking to Green Day's manager later that night, then I was like, all right I guess this is real. I guess I was just in disbelief. It was crazy," Kane says.

The band hit the road Thursday and 20 hours later were in New York City, where they played a 25-minute set. By Monday they were back in Coralville, still reeling form the experience.

"It was really surreal and amazing," Kane says. "It was crazy. We got to meet Green Day and they are just like the nicest dudes ever and really down to earth. They thanked us for playing with them. Billy Joe even came on stage when we were playing and took pictures of us on his iPhone."

For the band it was a chance to share a stage with musicians who have influenced their own sound.

On their Facebook page, Lipstick Homicide calls themselves a "pop-punk band … (that) stirs up memories of the 90s. Their angsty rock songs are reminiscent of Dookie-era Green Day and Cheshire cat-era Blink-182 — you know, the good old days of pop-punk before it started getting too whiny."

Lipstick Homicide, performs live at Irving Plaza on September 15 in New York City. (Jatnna Nunez)

"They're kind of my favorite band," Kane says. "It's pretty awesome. They played a bunch of new songs at their show. I wasn't sure what to expect. But they were really good."

The experience was affirming for the young band, which has been playing together since their days at West High School in Iowa City — Kane and Ferguson are 2007 graduates and Feldmann a 2008 alum. They don't plan on it being a once-in-a-lifetime experience, though. They have big dreams for their future, including a third album.

More info

Hear Lipstick Homicide in Eastern Iowa next month at a fundraiser show for local venue Public Space One. The concert, which includes Lipstick Homicide and other Iowa City-based bands, is Oct. 27 at the Wesley Center, 120 N. Dubuque St., Iowa City.

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