Homicide in Farmer Cres, Taita

Farmer Cres homicide

A team of 25 Police Staff are currently working on the homicide investigation into the death of a 52-year-old Lower Hutt man in Farmers Crescent, Taita, late yesterday.

Operation Field inquiry head Detective Inspector Darrin Thomson said emergency services were called to the area just after 10pm on Thursday evening, after a friend of the man found him lying unconscious in the street. Despite attempts to resuscitate him, he died at the scene.

He was Michael James Mulholland of Taita.

Mr Thomson said initial information was that the man had some sustained facial injuries. However, more about the circumstances surrounding his death would be known once a post mortem had been undertaken today.

"In the meantime, we are undertaking a number of scene examinations in the area with ESR and other specialist groups to establish various facts and gain more information to determine what has happened.

"We are also speaking with a large number of people in the area and would particularly like to speak with anyone who was in Farmers Crescent between 8pm and 11pm on Thursday 20 September."

Mr Thomson said Police would be supporting and working with the victim's family over the coming days.

"We expect to be in the Farmers Crescent are over the next few days and encourage anybody who has information to come forward and assist us with our investigation."


© Scoop Media

See if you can guess the name of the country that the Stratfor think tank is talking about here.

Hint: it is a country that has had a long running dispute about access to its ports by US warships, but is in discussions with US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta to explore a way of putting this dispute behind them, in the aim of fostering greater security co-operation in the Asia-Pacific region:

During the late 1990s and through the first decade of the 2000s, [this country] consistently argued that they would… develop a strictly sovereign foreign policy aimed at serving their goals of sustained economic development, improved trading opportunities, and regional stability.

Yep, that sounds like New Zealand doesn't it?


  • NZ Govt - US Secretary of Defense to Visit
  • TV3 Video - US Defence Secretary comes to NZ


  • TVNZ - This Sunday: Corin Dann interviews US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta
  • Image Out-Link - Cam Ranh Bay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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