Rumors of 1901 murder lead to exhumation in Lake Mills - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Lake Mills - Rosemary Thornton stood at the graveside of Addie Hoyt Fargo, watching the undertaker look for bone fragments with a small shovel and a worn pocket knife.

As Wayne Meitner scratched through the earth less than three feet below the ground, two of Wisconsin's most experienced forensic investigators stood next to him. They waited expectantly with glove-covered hands, ready to pull up pieces of Addie's remains. Those assembled around the grave - friends of Thornton, Lake Mills city officials and descendants of Addie's husband - spoke quietly, staring tensely at the grave.

Thornton felt the pressure.

She was trying to resolve a 110-year-old mystery over whether diphtheria claimed her great-great-aunt or - as legend had it - Addie's husband poisoned her, or shot her in the head and hurriedly buried her to cover it up. The story has intrigued generations of residents in and around Jefferson County, not to mention mystery lovers - and a few ghost hunters - nationwide.

What if we don't find anything, she thought to herself. What if we just wasted time, money and resources?

The disinterment earlier this month was the culmination of a quest by Thornton that started with two shoe boxes of old photos she found cleaning up her father's home after he died June 10.

Thornton initially tossed the photos aside, but later retrieved them. As an architectural historian and author, she was drawn in by the gorgeous pictures from the late 1800s of a horse-drawn carriage, a young woman in a plush dress sewing in a rocking chair in a bedroom, and a stately Victorian mansion.

Thornton, who lives in Virginia, became curious about the identity of the woman. Her friend, historian and genealogist David Spriggs, took just six hours to find the answer: The couple in one particular photo were Enoch Fargo, one of the wealthiest men in Lake Mills, and his wife, socialite Addie Hoyt Fargo. They were outside their home, the Fargo Mansion, which is now a bed and breakfast, he said. Addie was Thornton's great-great-aunt.

Thornton was stunned. She called the co-owner of the mansion, offering to share her photos.

"Were you aware of the fact that she (Addie) was murdered by her husband? It's strictly a rumor; it's never been proven," Tom Boycks said. "She was ill with diphtheria and Mr. Fargo had summoned her cousin to come be her nursemaid and the story goes that he sort of fell in love with the nursemaid, Martha Hoyt - supposedly a cousin or step-cousin of Addie. And surprisingly, Addie got better and he was already in love with the other woman, so he did away with her." 

Fargo, 52, had been married to Addie for five years. He married Martha Hoyt in February 1902, seven months after Addie's death.

The tale that Fargo shot Addie, Boycks said, was referenced in the book "A History of Lake Mills" by Fargo's granddaughter, Mary Wilson, who heard the tale as a child. Some speculated that Fargo first tried to poison Addie with arsenic and shot her when the poison didn't work.

Why would Fargo's daughter tell her own daughter that grandpa shot his wife if it wasn't true, Thornton asked herself.

Tale of diphtheria

Thornton began tracking a paper trail of news articles and historical records at Lake Mills City Hall. She turned up multiple pieces of circumstantial evidence suggesting that, at the very least, the circumstances of Addie's death were unusual.

According to Addie's obituary in the Lake Mills Leader, Addie died from diphtheria at 2 a.m. June 19, 1901, after two days' illness. The family doctor, William H. Oatway, had visited Addie in the afternoon and examined her throat. That night, he concluded she had diphtheria and tried to help her, but the disease "advanced with unusual rapidity," the obituary said.

"But a short time before her demise she said to her attendant, 'I am feeling better,' soon after which she sprang from her bed and exclaimed I am choking, sank back and expired in a few moments," the obituary from June 20, 1901, states. The obituary indicated Addie had a quick, intimate burial eight hours after her death, something that seemed odd for a socialite who was so prominent that her visits to Milwaukee merited a note in the local newspaper.

Looking at Addie's death certificate, Thornton noted that Oatway had not only signed the certificate as the family doctor. As the health officer for Jefferson County, he also certified to the state Board of Health that the certificate was accurate.

But the certificate listed Addie's burial permit as number 32 - a permit Thornton later determined belonged to a different woman buried nine months later. Thornton was unable to find a burial permit for Addie - a violation of state law, which also required fumigation of a home after a death from contagious disease.

Thornton looked through county death records. No one in Lake Mills was listed as dying from diphtheria in 1901.

Further, according to the obituary, Oatway speculated that Addie may have contracted the communicable disease on a trip to Portage. But the trip took place 13 days earlier, and symptoms generally appeared two to five days after exposure. No diphtheria cases were reported in Portage.

It also seemed odd that the disease took the life of a 29-year-old woman in just two days. Diphtheria usually claimed the young and the elderly, and death normally came after a week. In addition, with two servants and two of Fargo's daughters in the home, why didn't anyone else die?

Finally, Thornton came across a book by Frances Kermeen, "Ghostly Encounters; True Stories of America's Haunted Inns and Hotels," that included the Lake Mills story. It stated that 40 years after Addie's death, Oatway confessed to falsifying the death certificate after Fargo shot Addie in her sleep.

"I was like, 'Wow! If these documents are falsified, maybe these legends are true,' " Thornton said. "And I did about as much paperwork as I could do and all that was left was an exhumation."

Boycks, the co-owner of the mansion, supported her, saying she had a right to know about her blood relative.

"Even before I met Rosemary, we've been asked about this theory for years and years ever since we purchased the house," he said. "We've had guests come because they're ghost hunters. We had one guest set up cameras one night after we all turned in to see if they could find anything, because there's been a theory that Addie's ghost wanders the home, her spirit or something."

Competing interests

Thornton applied for an exhumation permit, and coroner Patrick Theder agreed to the request, but city officials wanted a court order, which involved a hearing.

Thornton found a local attorney, Kurt Anderson, to shepherd her through the process pro bono.

John M. Wilson, a descendant of Fargo, unexpectedly showed up at the hearing. He told the Journal Sentinel that Thornton was vilifying his great-grandfather and tarnishing his name.

"If you look at Rosemary's blog, she's already tried and convicted my great-grandfather in the public court of opinion. There's not one shred of physical evidence to indicate there was any foul play," he said.

Even if foul play were uncovered, he told the newspaper, there would be no proof Fargo was the perpetrator. He accused Thornton of trying to get a book deal.

The judge heard his concerns but said Thornton had a right to exhume Addie's remains because she was a blood relative.

The exhumation

Thornton paid the city nearly $ 1,400 for the disinterment to cover the salary of cemetery workers and restoration of the site. A week later, she stood by Addie's graveside.

After a century in the ground, Addie's coffin was disintegrated, so the undertaker was only 34 inches down when he encountered the first remains. Her grave was shallow compared with the six feet generally used for burials. Before proceeding with the exhumation, Methodist pastor the Rev. William R. McBride presided over a brief "reverse funeral" of sorts for Addie.

Milwaukee County Medical Examiner Brian Peterson and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee anthropologist Fred Anapol had agreed to investigate, for free, how Addie died and helped the undertaker sift through the dirt.

Thornton was relieved when they pulled the first piece out of the dirt - a long, thin, brown bone from an arm. Tears came to her eyes.

"This woman I've dreamt about, thought about in so many different ways, here she is," she thought.

Soon, a possible key emerged: part of Addie's skull.

And then, among a pile of bones in the foot end of the grave, Peterson and Anapol found a thick, blackened wooden heel from a high-heeled dress shoe. To Thornton, the remnant was another indicator that someone lied about the cause of Addie's death. Who buries a woman dead from a contagious disease in her heels?

The scientific conclusion, however, was up to Peterson and Anapol. In the grave, they dusted off bones, carefully sorting the fragments. Peterson also took a soil sample to test for arsenic.

A week later, back in the chilly basement at the Milwaukee County medical examiner's office, forensic science intern Lauren Evenstone picked up Addie's remains, one by one, and washed off the dirt.

Anapol helped her sort them into something resembling a full skeleton.

Their task became more important after X-rays of the remains showed only random flecks of metal. Peterson believed they were more likely from the shiny handles of a coffin than a bullet.

However, the exhumation uncovered a skull piece with a dime-sized hole. Evenstone and Anapol began reconstructing the skull to see if there was evidence of a gunshot.

"It was a lengthy process. Until people reach their late 20s, their skulls consist of multiple pieces that haven't completely fused at the sutures. Addie's skull had broken apart in the grave.

"It's just like a jigsaw puzzle. It's exactly like it. You match up the matching sides on either side of the suture break," Anapol said. "I know where about it's supposed to be in the skull. And then I'm going along the edges to see how it's broken. I'm trying to match up the sutures and cracks and coloration."

Every piece that fit was a small victory. Anapol squeezed the fitting pieces tightly against each other and held them while Peterson grabbed a lighter and melted drops from a stick of deep red wax - similar to the kind of stamp wax that people used to seal letters. Flaming drops seeped into the cracks.

Peterson and Anapol were slowly exhausting ways to find answers about Addie's death. They had hoped to test for arsenic, but a toxicologist said high amounts of arsenic in the Lake Mills area would prevent reliable conclusions.

"Since you have arsenic in the groundwater, and arsenic in the soil, to try and differentiate that from arsenic that was put into the skull or system would be impossible to do," Peterson said. "It might have worked if there'd been soft tissue or hair available, but there just wasn't."

The verdict is in

A couple of weeks after the exhumation, Peterson called Thornton back in Virginia.

"Are you ready for the news?" he asked.

"We've laid out all the bones and we've examined them all as best we can and there doesn't seem to be any evidence of foul play in what we've collected."

"Huh? OK," Thornton said, disappointment in her voice. "That is kind of unfortunate."

Peterson explained that X-rays showed no concentrated amount of metal in one place, and that most of the time, gunshot wounds to the head lead to fractures of the orbital plate - a fragile bone on top of the eyeball - something that wasn't found in Addie's remains.

"We neither found a bullet in the grave, nor did we find what really had to be two holes in the skull if there were no bullet," Peterson said. "Think about it: A shot to the head can be perforating or penetrating. If it's penetrating, the bullet still should have been there, or the slug. There wasn't one. If it's perforating, there should have been not one, but two, holes and there wasn't one. It doesn't mean she couldn't have been shot. It just means we have no evidence based on the material we had to examine."

Investigators say the dime-size hole in the skull was more likely an effect of forces of nature after Addie's death.

"With the distance of both time and postmortem change, we lose a lot of what we can do in terms of examining a more recent death," Peterson said.

Since the forensic scientists concluded their investigation, Thornton has decided to push forward trying to find more documents. She says she's still convinced Addie was murdered.

Addie's remains have been cremated and will, once again, be buried in Lake Mills.

"It'd be swell if it had a tidy ending, but sometimes life doesn't have a tidy ending," Thornton said.


Who's who

Rosemary Thornton: 52, architectural historian and author of books on catalog homes. Lives in Norfolk, Va. Researched the history of Addie Hoyt Fargo, who is Thornton's great-great-aunt, and paid to have Addie's remains exhumed from the Rock Lake Cemetery in Lake Mills on Nov. 3.

Brian Peterson: Milwaukee County medical examiner. Agreed to help investigate Addie's death. Has previously worked on prominent cases, including reviewing the cause of death of Drew Peterson's slain third wife, Kathleen Savio, in Illinois.

Fred Anapol: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee anthropology professor. Agreed to reconstruct Addie's skeleton and search her remains for any evidence of foul play. Also assists in forensic work. Helped analyze the remains of the 29 victims found buried in the basement of serial killer John Wayne Gacy in 1978.

Tom Boycks: Co-owner of the Fargo Mansion Inn Bed & Breakfast in Lake Mills since 1985. Worked to restore the mansion and told Thornton about the legend of Addie's death.

Read more about Addie on Thornton's blog 

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