Murder trial actor 'owed' gunman

Brian ReganMr Regan has admitted being a regular cocaine user

A man accused of killing a pub doorman claimed a former Brookside actor lied when he said the pair were in the same car on the night of the murder.

Brian Regan, 54, who played Terry Sullivan in the Channel 4 soap, denies driving alleged gunman Edward Heffey to and from the shooting scene.

But Mr Heffey told Liverpool Crown Court Mr Regan was trying to get rid of him because the actor owed him money.

Bahman Faraji, 44, was killed in Aigburth, Liverpool, in February

Mr Regan, of St Mary's Road, Mr Heffey, 41, of Beloe Street, Lee Dodson, 42, of Logfield Drive, and Simon Smart, 32, of Kylemore Way, who are all from Liverpool, deny any involvement in father-of-one Mr Faraji's murder.

The court heard that Mr Regan had fallen on hard times and was used by Mr Heffey and Mr Dodson as a drugs courier.

Mr Heffey told the jury Mr Regan had asked for drugs which he could sell on because he was in debt to Mr Dodson.

'No questions'

Charles Benson QC, defending Mr Regan, said to Mr Heffey: "Mr Regan was a perfect candidate for you to use that day. To invite him to give you a lift. You used him, didn't you?"

Mr Benson said Mr Heffey knew Mr Regan "would not ask any questions" and did not tell him "what he was up to" on the night of the killing.

But Mr Heffey responded: "Why would I tell him what I was up to? It's none of his business."

Mr Benson accused Heffey of using Regan as a "smokescreen", adding: "You asked him for lifts many times. Mr Regan just goes along with any request you make of him doesn't he?

"But you didn't realise, having fallen so far as he has, that he would have the reserve and courage to name you."

Mr Heffey responded: "He is just trying to get rid of me because he can't pay me the money he owes me."

When asked by Mr Benson about how much money the actor owed him, Mr Heffey replied: "A few thousand. It's ridiculous, yeah?"

Prosecutor Brian Cummings QC, previously told the jury Mr Faraji was killed by Heffey after Mr Dodson enlisted Regan to act as the driver.

The trial continues

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