Homicide Detectives Investigating Cab Driver Death

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BUFFALO, NY -- Buffalo Police homicide detectives were called out Wednesday morning to the vicinity of Norfolk and Kensington on the city's east side.

Spokesperson Michael DeGeorge says a report of a body in the 700 block of Norfolk came in around 7 AM. When patrols arrived they discovered a cab driver dead inside a vehicle.

The cause of death is not known at this time, and police have not released the victim's name.

According to a relative of the victim, someone shot the man in the head. A witness tells Channel 2 News, investigators said it appeared someone shot the man elsewhere, then drove him to Norfolk and Kensington.

A woman who works at a daycare next to the crime scene told us it was difficult getting her children to the bus stop because investigators told them they could not walk in the snow as detectives collected evidence.

"All the kids that's in the daycare, they're very confused and not knowing what's going on, and it's scary," said Trina Washington.

With all of the police cars in the area, the bus stop location had to change, but Washington got her children there without a problem.

A man who works for a cab company in Buffalo, both as a driver and a manager, rushed to the scene thinking one of his drivers was shot. When he got there, he found out the victim worked for a different company. Demetrius Moore with Buffalo Transportation says it is getting more and more dangerous to be a cab driver in Buffalo.

"I myself was just involved in a situation. It's a dangerous business, but it's no different than the average pedestrian walking down the street. I always tell somebody, if somebody wants to do something, they're gonna do it, you know. Whether it's in a cab, whether it's in a store, or walking down the street," says Moore.

Moore adds that to protect yourself as a cab driver, you can put shields or security cameras in your car.

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